Be sure to read the Clothing Policy under General Info & Policies specific to this area.
- The Aquatic Center closes 15 minutes prior to building closing.
- Health regulations recommend showers before entering the pool, spa, or sauna and after use of the restroom.
- You must be at least 13 years of age to use the spa or sauna, and 8 years of age to use the lap pool.
- Swimming aids are restricted to eye goggles, leg buoys, and kickboards.
- Only Coast Guard approved flotation devices are allowed. Non-coast guard approved flotation devices are prohibited (i.e., water wings, inner tubes, etc.).
- Persons with severe cuts, open sores, rashes, skin eruptions, or known communicable diseases are not permitted in the pools or spa.
- There is a 10 minute recommended time limit in the spa or sauna.
- Pool, spa, or sauna use is not allowed without a lifeguard on deck.
- All children must be accompanied by a parent or guardian adult at all times.
- Prolonged underwater swimming (more than 15 seconds) is prohibited.
- No diving in water less than 9 feet deep.
- No pushing, shoving or horseplay.
- No chewing gum, food, glass or tobacco.
- Drinks must be in a plastic bottle with a secured lid or squirt spout.
- Non-swimmers should never enter the deep-water area.
- A PantherCard or guest pass must be presented prior to each use to a Climbing Wall Attendant. A belay device and harness may be obtained this time. Shoes may be obtained at the Equipment Issue Desk.
- The Climbing Wall Attendants have authority and responsibility to enforce all Climbing Wall procedures. Any violation of procedures by the patrons may result in suspension of climbing privileges.
- Activities are allowed during designated hours only when staff are present.
- Interfering with the duties or safety of the belayer, climber or staff of others will not be allowed. Indirect observers of participants must remain behind the rubber flooring areas.
- Appropriate climbing shoes and clothing must be worn at all times while using the Wall. Only climbing shoes or athletic shoes are allowed - no hiking boots, sandals or bare feet.
- Loose chalk is not allowed within the Bouldering Cave or Climbing Wall. Climbers may use chalk balls or liquid chalk.
- Climbers should not make contact with the suspended lights, windows or window sills.
- Vertical climbers are required to use Climbing Wall ropes, carabiners and belay devices. Participants may use the following personal safety equipment providing it is UIAA and staff approved: harness, shoes, helmets and chalk bags.
- Climbers and belayers must use the supplied equipment and their own equipment in a manner consistent with all rules, regulations and certification criteria. If you choose to climb using your personal harness, you assume the risk of injury. Please report to the staff any equipment that is being abused (stepped on or dropped). You could be using it next time.
- All personal possessions such as hoodies, bags, watches, rings, loose hanging necklaces and earrings should be removed when climbing or belaying. Possessions should be stored by the provided bench or outside cubbies.
- Belayers must be approved by the Climbing Wall Attendant before checking out belay device and must belay by Georgia State standards. Patrons are not allowed to belay a climber without having successfully completed a belay certification through Touch The Earth.
- No vertical climbing above the designated height allowed unless belayed by certified belayer. You must be accompanied by a certified belayer and actually be on belay while climbing. No climber is allowed to climb directly below any other climber. Only one climber per vertical section. Vertical climbers have priority over boulderers.
- Correct climbing commands must be used by both the climber and belayer.
- Climbers are not allowed to hang on the top of the Climbing Wall or attempt to top out on the wall.
- Any damaged holds must be immediately brought to the attention of the Wall Attendants. Only the Wall Attendants have the authority to move, remove or alter any hand or foot holds on the Climbing Wall.
- Children between ages 8-15 may use the Climbing Wall only when accompanied by their parent or guardian. Climbers must be at least 16 years old to be considered as belayers for other climbers.
- No food or drink (other than water) is allowed in the Climbing Wall.
- Participants are responsible for abiding by specific Climbing Wall activity procedures and attending the necessary clinic and orientations before climbing.
- Top Rope climbers and Lead climbers should actively try to share the climbing space. When the climbing wall is busy, lead climbers should not traverse, or climb routes in a manner that would occupy multiple routes at once.
- Questions may be directed to [email protected] or 404-413-1773.
- A PantherCard is required to check-out and return equipment.
- Only current members may check out equipment
- Cash, check, PantherCash and credit cards (American Express, Visa, MasterCard, and Discover) are accepted for purchases.
- Dirty laundry items should be returned and placed in the laundry basket on the same day they were rented.
- All checked out items should be returned on the same day they were rented by 10 minutes prior to closing.
- Only bags that are too large to fit into an empty locker will be checked at the Equipment Issue Desk. Checked items will be kept only while the patron is in the SRC.
- Users will be charged for equipment returned late, equipment not returned, or any equipment returned damaged or broken.
Personal training sessions include cardiovascular exercises, muscle strengthening and endurance exercises, and flexibility exercises. Nutrition consultation sessions include discussions about dietary habits and goals for nutritional intake based on nutritional needs and within the scope of practice of the nutrition practitioner. Sessions can only include matters within the scope of practice offered by the Fitness Center staff and their respective programs or services. The Fitness Center reserves the right to make referrals out rather than provide services to clients when issues exceed the scope of available services or scope of practice of the practitioner.
- Canceling or rescheduling sessions requires at least 24 hours advance notice. If a 24-hour notice is not given, it will be considered a no-show. The patron will forfeit that session as well as the cost of the session. A maximum of 3 cancelations, schedule changes, no-shows will be allowed each semester. Sessions that have not begun 15 minutes past the scheduled start time due client tardiness will be forfeited without a refund or rescheduling and counted as a no-show. If more than 3 cancelations, schedule changes, no-shows occur, any scheduled sessions in the current semester will be returned to the available session pool and the patron will be suspended in scheduling sessions until the following semester.
- Refunds will be given for sessions if there is a documented medical issue that precluded provision of 24 hours’ notice of the need to cancel or reschedule. A refund will also be given if the scheduled sessions are returned to the session pool for administrative purposes.
- Carrying Sessions Forward One Semester: A maximum of 3 sessions (sessions, consultations, tests) may be carried forward for one semester (spring to summer; summer to fall; fall to spring). Any sessions not used by the end of the second semester will be forfeited.
Be sure to read the Clothing Policy under General Info & Policies specific to this area.
- Users are responsible for sanitizing equipment. Each user may bring his or her own towel, or use the dry paper towel dispensers located in the workout area to remove sweat. GymWipes for sanitizing are located throughout each area to disinfect machines after each use. You are encouraged to clean each machine before and after use.
- Personal belongings are to be secured in a locker or cubby and not placed on the floor.
- Please report broken equipment to the Exercise Room desk.
- Exercise Room staff will provide general selectorized and cardio equipment orientations only. See the Fitness Center staff for fitness assessment, exercise prescriptions, and personal training.
- Users must return all equipment to their proper storage location. For example, dumbbells should be returned to the storage rack, Olympic bars returned the bar rack and weight plates returned to a weight tree or equipment-side storage.
- Weight belts are not allowed on exercise equipment if the buckle makes contact with the upholstery.
- Users must allow others waiting for equipment to work into your rotation.
- Slamming weight stacks or dropping Olympic bars, weight plates, barbells or dumbbells is prohibited. Olympic bars, weight plates, barbells and dumbbells must be below the knee before placing down.
- Deadlifts can only occur in the power racks or in designated spaces.
- Users are recommended to have a spotter when excessive weight is lifted.
- Spring collars should be used on all bars with plates added.
- Chalk is prohibited.
- Olympic lifting is prohibited (e.g. power clean, power clean and jerk, split jerk and power snatch).
- Please respect your fellow patrons. Disrupting programs or patrons utilizing the facility with loud music or loud talking is prohibited. The use of electronic devices on a machine between sets, while others are waiting, is prohibited.
- No person under the age of 16 may be in either of these areas.
- Patrons must use the equipment for its intended purpose or function. Improper use of any plate-loaded machines, selectorized machines, or cardiovascular equipment will not be tolerated.
- Weights are not allowed to be taken into the racquetball courts unless working with a Recreational Services personal trainer.
- Check out and return all equipment with your PantherCard.
- Users will be charged for equipment returned late, equipment not returned, or any equipment returned damaged or broken.
- Food and Beverages: Only water in a plastic bottle with a secured lid or squirt spout is permitted.
- Gambling and fighting are prohibited. May result in the suspension of Recreation membership privileges.
- Secure your valuables, clothing and book bags in a locker.
- All open table tennis and billiard tables are available on a first-come, first-served basis.
Billiard Area
- Play is limited to one hour if there are people on the waitlist.
- When your hour is up, you are to stop playing when asked by the staff.
- If you are signed up on the waitlist and you join a game at another table, you will be moved to the end of the waitlist regardless of how much time they have left on the table.
- Patrons may only rent one set of balls and use one table at a time.
- One foot must remain on the floor while shooting.
- Sitting on the tables is prohibited.
Game Consoles
- Play is limited to one hour if there are people on the waitlist.
- When your hour is up, you are to stop playing when asked by the staff.
- If you are signed up on the waitlist and you join another game, you will be moved to the end of the waitlist regardless of how much time they have left to play.
- All personal games brought from home must be a hard disc.
- Wrist straps must be secured on the wrist when playing the Wii.
- Allow adequate room around you during gameplay
- Internet use during play is prohibited.
- Jumping Rope
- Allowed in the following areas of the Student Recreation Center
- Pool patio
- Grass lawn
- Martial Arts Studio if on the mats; not allowed on the wood floor
- Green terrazzo tile throughout the building, if not in a high traffic area or causing a disruption
- Not allowed in the following areas
- Any wood floor (racquetball courts, gyms, studios)
- PLAE flooring in Exercise Room and Free Weight Area
- Track
- Climbing Wall/Bouldering Cave
- Allowed in the following areas of the Student Recreation Center
- No weights (dumbbells, barbells, weight plates, kettlebells, slam balls) allowed on any wood floors (racquetball courts, gyms, and studios), unless in a supervised and Recreational Services sponsored program or service.
The lobby is for the exclusive use of Georgia State University students, faculty, staff, Recreation members, and their sponsored guests. This main concourse is the primary entrance to and exit from the activity areas of the SRC. Use of any other exterior door is prohibited and will activate an alarm system. Use of the email stations is limited to 10 minutes per person per session while others are waiting. The lobby may be reserved for approved university events.
Be sure to read the Clothing Policy under General Info & Policies specific to this area.
- Hanging on the rims or throwing balls at the windows or onto or from the track is prohibited.
- Please secure your valuables, clothing and book bags in a locker.
- For a volleyball or badminton set up, contact a Facility Supervisor at the Service Counter. A minimum of 4 people must be present for drop in volleyball. A minimum of 2 people must be present for drop in badminton.
- Courts are available on a first-come, first-served basis when not reserved for programs, special events, or approved reservations.
Be sure to read the Clothing Policy under General Info & Policies specific to this area.
- Hanging on the rims is prohibited.
- Indoor soccer balls only, no rubber or vinyl outdoor balls allowed.
- Plastic floor hockey sticks are preferred. All non-plastic floor hockey sticks must be approved by Assistant Director for Facilities or Intramurals.
- Spectators should enter the gym through the hallway entrance located past the gym doors on the right.
- Please secure your valuables, clothing and book bags in a locker.
- For a volleyball or badminton set up, contact a Facility Supervisor at the Service Counter. A minimum of 4 people must be present for drop in volleyball. A minimum of 2 people must be present for drop in badminton.
- Courts are available on a first-come, first-served basis when not reserved for programs, special events, or approved reservations.
Be sure to read the Clothing Policy under General Info & Policies specific to this area.
- No weights allowed, unless working with a Recreational Services personal trainer.
- No lacrosse, cricket, softballs, baseballs or soccer balls are allowed. These items could mark or damage the walls, floor and glass.
- Unreserved courts are “first-come, first-served” and available for play for one hour or until the next reservation.
- Protective eyewear is highly encouraged.
- Racquets, balls, and eyewear can be checked out at no charge at the Equipment Issue Desk.
- Intentional kicking or hitting the walls, floors, or glass is prohibited.
- Reservations are accepted up to 2 days in advance, but no less than 1 hour prior to usage time. Reservations can be made in person at the Equipment Issue Desk anytime during operating hours or over the phone at 404-413-1770. Courts 1 and 2 will start play on the hour for one hour with a limit of one reservation per day per person. Courts 3 and 4 will begin play on the half hour. Court reservations are forfeited after 10 minutes. Courts are available for open play if there are no reservations or if participants do not show for their reserved time slot.
Aerobics/Dance, Martial Arts & Studio B
Be sure to read the Clothing Policy under General Info & Policies specific to this area.
- For safety considerations, classes may be limited based on space and the availability of equipment.
- If classes are crowded, participants cannot reserve space or equipment for anyone not present.
- Studios are available on a first-come, first-served basis when not reserved for programs,
special events, or approved reservations. - Patrons must be at least 16 years of age to participate in fitness classes.
- Instructional clinic registration is limited to members.
- Participants who enter a class after the warm up has concluded may be asked to leave.
- Participants leaving a class early are responsible for their own cool down if they choose to leave before class has ended.
- Stereo use and closet access is limited to current instructors.
- In order to maximize space and ensure safety, participants are encouraged to store personal belongings in one of the secured locker areas.
- For the comfort and safety of participants, a towel and water bottle is highly recommended for group fitness classes.
- No cell phones are to be used inside of studios during class instruction.
- The instructor reserves the right to ask a participant to leave for refusal to follow these policies.
- Participants are encouraged to use cleaning towels to wipe down equipment before and after use.
Track is only to be used for walking/running. Any other activity must be a pre-approved program. Track spikes are prohibited. Activity direction will change each day. Out of courtesy to other runners on the track, do not reset the pace clock unless you are the only person on the track. Walkers should use the outside lane and runners should use the inside lane.