Intramurals are scheduled competitive and recreational activities, where you compete against others within the University. Participants may choose from individual or team activities. Male, female, open and coed divisions are offered for most of the sports. The facilities, most equipment and the officials are provided. The program offers league sports, which can last between three and six weeks, and tournaments, which last one or two days.
Students who are enrolled at any campus and current faculty, staff, or alumni with an active Recreational Services membership are eligible to participate in any Intramural activity on any campus.
Intramurals sports are scheduled competitive and recreational activities, where students and recreation members compete against other students and recreation members. Participants may choose from individual, dual or team activities. Male, female and coed divisions are offered for most sports. The facilities, most equipment and the officials are provided. The program offers league sports, which can last between three and six weeks, and tournaments, which last one or two days.
How Do I Get Involved?
Intramurals teams are formed through common bonds or associations within the community of Georgia State, such as:
- Fellow friends and classmates at Georgia State
- Residence halls
- Fraternity and sorority associations
- Campus organizations
- Free agents: Students who do not have a team to join can sign up on the free agent list and can be selected by captains of other teams.
Free Agent Players
Those looking to play on an Intramurals team or dual event but do not have enough players to form their team or are looking to join a team should sign up as a free agent for that event. Free agents may be placed on teams who are looking for extra players. To sign up as a free agent, go to the registration page and follow the directions.
Entry Fees
Intramurals is pleased to offer its general programming free to current students and Recreation members of Georgia State. Golf tournaments may require a fee for use of carts and practice balls.
Team sports and events may require a forfeit fee. Please see the section under Contest Procedures on forfeit fees for more information.
Sign Up Procedures
- Go to Intramurals and click on the banner to enter IMLeagues site
- Select the desired sport or event in the correct registration calendar and follow the steps to sign up as a free agent or team. Please be sure to read all the instructions before registering.
- Complete the required online tests.
Team Sport Captains
The primary duty and responsibility of team captains are to organize teams and individuals into competition prior to the specific sign up deadlines.
Additional duties of captains include:
- Keeping members of their teams informed of all Intramurals activities and rules while also promoting participation.
- Representing their teams or organization at the appropriate Intramurals captain meetings or completing the tests on IMLeagues.
- Submitting rosters online, knowing deadlines to enter rosters and knowing the size limit for the rosters.
- Notifying their teams of the time and place of scheduled activities.
- Being familiar with all Intramurals eligibility rules so that their team can adhere to them. Player eligibility is the captain’s responsibility. Rules and regulations regarding player eligibility are found in this handbook. However, any questions regarding player eligibility should be directed to the assistant director for Intramurals.
- Maintaining name, current phone number, email and current address with the Intramurals office.
- Students: All students must be currently enrolled at Georgia State and have paid the semester student fees.
- Perimeter students: All currently enrolled Georgia State students who are enrolled at a Perimeter campus may participate in Intramurals at the Atlanta campus.
- Faculty and staff: All faculty and staff must be currently employed by Georgia State and a Recreation member. (More information is available on Membership.) Even though Faculty, staff, alumni and spouses can play Intramurals at Georgia State, they are not always eligible to compete in extramural tournaments. Those guidelines vary each tournament.
- Alumni: Any alumni wanting to play must be a current Recreation member. (More information is available on Membership.)
- Spouses: Spouses of current Recreation members are eligible to play Intramurals if they are Recreation members as well. (More info is available on Membership.)
- Current intercollegiate team members: Current varsity, junior varsity, red shirt, scholarship or transferring student-athletes shall be ineligible to participate in the same sport or related sport (see below) in Intramurals. These athletes are also ineligible to participate while their sport is in season. An exception will be granted if the athletic coach allows.
Athletic Sport Related Intramurals Football Flag Football Basketball Basketball Soccer Soccer Baseball or Softball Softball Tennis Any racquet sport Cross Country and Track Any racing event Golf Golf Volleyball Volleyball (Indoor or Sand) - Former intercollegiate team members: Former intercollegiate team members are not allowed to play the same or related sport within one calendar year from the last day of being on a varsity roster. Only one former varsity player may be on a roster of the same or related sport for state, regional or national tournaments.
- Professional athletes: Professional athletes cannot participate in the same sport, or related sport, in Intramurals.
- Sport Clubs members: Sport Clubs members are allowed to play, but no more than two members of a Sport Clubs team may play for any Intramurals team in their related sport. A participant is considered to be on the related club team if they appear on the roster at any point between the first day of school and the first day of the intramural season.
- Playoff tournament eligibility: No player may be added to a roster once the playoffs have begun. Only players on the regular season roster will be eligible to play. It is the duty of the team captain to be sure the roster is accurate before heading into the playoffs. For events that are single or double elimination tournaments, new players cannot be added to a roster once the semi-finals begin.
- Single team participation: It is illegal for any person to play on more than one team in a sport. The rule is imposed at the time of sign up. The penalty will be that the second team on which he or she has played will forfeit the games on which he or she signed in. Further penalties will be at the discretion of the assistant director for Intramurals. The exception is that a participant may play on a co-ed team in one sport and another single-gender team in the same sport. This will be allowed as long as it is not another co-ed team. For example, if you play on a fraternity softball team, you can also play on a co-ed softball team. However, when scheduling games, it is not the responsibility of Intramurals to accommodate those players who choose to play for a co-ed team and single-gender team. If a player's co-ed team and single-gender team are scheduled at the same time on the same day, the player must choose one team with which to play at that hour. Playing for two teams at the same hour is not permitted.
No one is permitted to use another person's PantherCard to sign in to play. If found to be using someone else's card, both the player who signed in and the name on the PantherCard will be deemed ineligible for Intramurals for at least one full semester and possibly one year.
Prizes: Champions of Intramurals will receive prizes. Only those participants who participated in at least half of the scheduled games will be eligible for prizes. After all prizes have been issued to all winners, those who participated in less than half may receive a prize.
Rescheduling and mutual postponements: Due to facility availability concerns, rescheduling of Intramurals contests are strongly discouraged. However, if a team is unable to attend a scheduled contest but desires to play the game at another time or date, it might be possible to reschedule. However, Intramurals cannot guarantee a new playing time. Requests for rescheduling must be received at least five business days in advance of the originally scheduled contest. In tournament play, postponed contests will be rescheduled within a period of time which will not delay progress of the tournament itself.
Playing times: When a team registers for a sport, they will be asked to choose their preferred playing times. This is only a request and will be honored if possible. Intramurals tries to schedule games at times requested by participating teams. This is not always possible, and there is no guarantee of a requested playing time.
Minimum number of players: In team sports, a team may play with less than the regulation number of players. The minimum number of players needed to play will be indicated in the rules for those sports. After the scheduled time of a contest has passed, the contest must begin as soon as both teams have the minimum number of players required to play. Certain sports have grace periods. See specific rules for those sports for more information.
Forfeits: Forfeits are declared at game time if a team has no one signed in. For indoor soccer, basketball, flag football and volleyball, a team has a grace period if a team has at least one participant signed in, but doesn't have the minimum numbers of players needed to start, to get those needed players. The grace period for those sports vary, so please read rules for each specific sport. If after the grace period the team still does not have enough to play, the game will be declared a forfeit. If the team does get enough to play before the grace period ends, the game will begin with time removed from the clock. All other sports do not have a grace period. If the minimum is not signed in at game time, a forfeit is declared. If applicable, a team who forfeits once will be responsible for paying the $30 online payment in order to remain eligible to participate (see below). If a team forfeits twice in one season, it is removed from the schedule and is not eligible for playoffs unless reinstated (see below).
Forfeit fees: For team sports, teams will be required to pay a $30 fee if/when a team forfeits a game. For individual sports, the participant will be required to pay a $10 fee if/when they forfeit a game. If a team/individual forfeits a game, the captain will be sent a notification through IMLeagues informing them that the team must make an online payment in order to remain eligible to participate. If no forfeits occur, no payment is required. If a team/individual forfeits a second time, the team/individual will be permanently removed from the league.
Please do not congregate in parking lots, hallways or any distance from the playing area. Always have players at the assigned court or field at least 15 minutes prior to the start of the contest for check in.
Mercy rule: Most sports have a mercy rule in place which brings the game or match to an early end when one team has a very large and presumably insurmountable lead over the other team. This is to avoid teams becoming frustrated when a team runs up the score on them. More injuries and fights occur during this period. Therefore, the game or match is over. The referees also can stop a game early if in their opinion a team is purposely stalling, not trying to play competitively or playing around with the losing team in order to avoid a game reaching the mercy rule.
Equipment: Intramurals will provide some of the equipment needed for the various activities. It is the responsibility of the captains and participants to find out before the event what equipment is provided and what the participants are expected to bring. Participants are expected to return all equipment loaned to them by Intramurals. Lost or stolen equipment is cause for payment for the damaged or missing equipment.
Illegal equipment: Exposed metal or hard, unyielding material (jewelry, braces, cleats/spikes on shoes, as examples) is not allowed to be worn by participants during Intramurals events. However, medical or religious items may be worn as long as they are taped to the body, underneath the clothing. Metal braces for injuries must be covered with at least 1/2" of closed cell, slow recovery rubber, or material of similar thickness and physical properties. Flip flops, sandals, boots and five-finger shoes (or anything closely related) are not allowed during events. Non-marking (for indoor sports), closed-toed athletic shoes are required for all events. Specific sports have their own specific requirements regarding some equipment, so make sure to check the specific rules for that sport.
Jerseys for flag football, volleyball, soccer, softball and basketball: Each team must have matching, numbered jerseys for every player. Legal numbers are limited to zero to 99. A team can't have two or more players with the same number. A team will forfeit a game if they do not have proper jerseys. Tape cannot be used for numbers. Numbers must be written or printed and legible. In the event that two teams who play each other wear the same colored jerseys, a coin toss will be used to determine who has to check out jerseys from the Intramurals staff. For flag football, jerseys must be long enough to be tucked in the shorts or must be short enough to be four inches above the waistband.
Inclement weather: In the event of inclement weather, it is the responsibility of each team representative to contact Intramurals concerning the status of play for the date in question. Call 404-413-1924 or check the Facebook or Twitter pages to check status on Panthersville events.
Playing conditions: Decisions regarding playing conditions will not be made before 2 p.m. on weekdays and 10 a.m. on weekends. Please do not contact Intramurals prior to that time.
Rosters: In order to play, the participant's name must appear on the game sheet prior to the game. This must be done online via the Intramurals registration website. A participant can be added to the roster on site by the team captain. Staff members will not add members to the roster. Teams will have the ability to add players to their roster up until the last day of the regular season for that sport. Once playoffs start, new players can't be added. Rosters also have a maximum number of spots and vary per sport. It's the captain's responsibility to know the deadlines and the roster limits.
Individual sport participants: Individual and dual sport participants are asked to keep Intramurals informed of all results and to check their schedules regularly, so that necessary contact can be made with opponents as required. Scores not reported 24 hours after completion of the contest are subject to forfeit.
Post season play: The top teams who are eligible (see below for sportsmanship requirements) in each division will advance to playoffs at the conclusion of the regular season. The number of teams in the post season depends on how many teams are registered. No team with two forfeits will be allowed in post season play despite their final record or standing.
For individual sports, participants must play a minimum of half of the available games to be eligible for post season.
During playoffs, if a team receives a zero in one game, or if the team's sportsmanship rating average drops below a three, the team is automatically eliminated from the playoffs. If a winning team is eliminated due to sportsmanship, neither team will advance.
Protest procedure: Protests based on decisions involving a judgment call by the official will not be allowed. Intramurals staff will accept only two types of protests for consideration:
- Protesting the eligibility of players will be the responsibility of the individual team or teams competing. Matters concerning player eligibility must be filed prior to the end of the regular season. During tournament play, player eligibility protests must be submitted at the start of the game or when the player in question arrives at the game site.
- Protests concerning interpretation of playing rules, that is, failure of an official to apply for proper rule, penalty or violation to a given situation.
Whenever a protest arises during a contest, the captain of the protesting team must notify the official and the opponent of their protest before the next live ball. The official must hear the words I want to protest. Failure to lodge a protest in this manner will void the protest.
- Under notification of a protest, the official in charge will suspend play.
- The protesting captain will state the basis for their protest. In turn, the official will explain the basis of their decision.
- If the protesting party wishes to appeal the decision of the official in charge, he or she must request that the field or court supervisor review the decision before play resumes.
- The supervisor will render a decision on the protest.
- If the protesting party is not satisfied with the decision, the protest will be given to the sport assistant, graduate assistant or assistant director for Intramurals. A $50 fee must be presented by the protesting party before the protest is heard. If the protest is upheld, the money will be returned. If the protest is denied, the money will be donated to Intramurals.
- If the protesting party is still not satisfied with the decision, he or she must fill out, along with the court or field supervisor, a protest form. The game will then resume play from that point. The player or team filing the protest must meet with the assistant director for Intramurals within 24 hours of the game's completion.
Any protest filed during a playoff game will be decided at the time of the protest.
If a formal protest is upheld, the game will be replayed from the point at which the improper decision was made, or in its entirety, in order to correct the error. If the protest is denied, the game result will stand. This decision lies solely with the assistant director for Intramurals. Individual players found to be ineligible shall automatically cause a forfeit for the game in which they participated as well as all other games in which they participated.
No photography: No one is allowed to take pictures or video record any Intramurals event without permission from Recreational Services prior to the event.
At the completion of each game, the officials, scorekeepers and supervisors working the event will rate the teams for their sportsmanship rating. This is based on the attitude and sportsmanship of the players, fans and coaches before, during and after the game toward other players, fans, coaches and Intramurals staff. The scale ranges from zero to four; four being equated with the best behavior and sportsmanship and with zero being poor behavior and sportsmanship.
Teams must have at least a three average grade to be eligible for post season play. During playoffs, if a team receives a zero in a game, or if the team's sportsmanship rating average drops below a three, the team is automatically eliminated from the playoffs. Some sports and events have standard deductions for sportsmanship associated with it.
The assistant director for Intramurals reserves the right to change any scores at his or her discretion.
Sportsmanship Rating Scale
Used for all team sports during the regular season and playoffs
4 = Excellent Conduct and Sportsmanship
Players cooperate fully with the officials and other participants. The captain calmly converses with officials about rule interpretations and calls. The captain also has full control of his or her teammates.
3 = Good Conduct and Sportsmanship
Team members verbally complain about some decisions made by the officials or show minor dissension, which may or may not merit a yellow card (soccer), unsportsmanlike flag (flag football) or technical foul (basketball). Teams that receive one yellow card (soccer), unsportsmanlike flag (flag football) or technical foul (basketball) will likely receive no higher than a three rating.
2 = Average Conduct and Sportsmanship
Team shows verbal dissent towards officials and/or the opposing team, which may or may not merit a yellow card (soccer, volleyball, softball), unsportsmanlike flag (flag football) or technical foul (basketball). Captain exhibits minor control over his or her teammates, but is in control with himself or herself. Teams receiving multiple yellow cards (soccer), unsportsmanlike flags (flag football) or technical fouls (basketball) will receive no higher than a two rating.
1 = Below Average Conduct and Sportsmanship
Teams constantly comment to the officials or the opposing team from the field or sidelines. The team captain exhibits little or no control over teammates or himself or herself. A team that receives a red card and/or an ejection will likely receive no higher than a one rating.
0 = Poor Conduct and Sportsmanship
Team is completely uncooperative. Captain has no control over teammates or himself or herself. Any team causing a game to be forfeited or receives multiple ejections will receive a zero rating.
Any team that win or loses by forfeit or default will receive a rating of three.
Sportsmanship related infractions include, but are not limited to, profanity; unnecessary delay of the game; striking or shoving an opponent; arguing with officials concerning decisions (discussion is allowed as long as it is done in a mature manner by the team captain); possession of alcoholic beverages, illegal drugs or narcotics; derogatory and abusive remarks toward an opponent or official; touching an official; any action with the intent to physically injure an opponent or official; any action which may potentially cause equipment or facility damage or any action which shows disregard for the rules or policies of Intramurals. Any team that receives four sportsmanship infractions (four yellow cards, two red cards, four unsportsmanlike conducts, four technical fouls, etc.) in one game will automatically forfeit that game.
Administrative related infractions include, but are not limited to, wearing jewelry, illegal equipment, not having proper equipment or jersey and not properly checking into a game.
Sportsmanship is vital to the conduct of every Intramurals contest. Officials, administrative personnel and supervisors shall make decisions on whether to warn, penalize or eject players or teams for poor sportsmanship in order to encourage proper conduct during games. These decisions are final. The assistant director for Intramurals will rule on further penalties as a result of unsportsmanlike or abusive conduct.
Any participant who is ejected from a contest for unsportsmanlike or abusive conduct is subject to suspension. The participant who is ejected must leave the facility immediately. The assistant director for Intramurals will inform the participant of the length of the suspension via email. If the participant wishes to appeal the ruling, he or she must set up a meeting with the assistant director for Intramurals during office hours (Monday-Thursday; 8:30 a.m. - 5:15 p.m.).
If a player is ejected during a game on a day where the participant plays again later in the day, the participant is not eligible to play in the later game(s).
Penalties range from:
- Warning
- Suspension for one or more games
- Suspension for the balance of the season
- Suspension for remainder of the semester, year or remainder of tenure at Georgia State
- Referral to the Dean of Students for further disciplinary action
** These policies go into effect the moment the participant enters the facility and stays in effect until the participant has left the facility.**
Each student participating on a team should choose his or her team members carefully. All team members will suffer the consequences of any disciplinary action taken by Intramurals and Recreational Services against that team for a violation of Intramurals rules.
A team captain is responsible for actions by an individual member of the team or for spectators directly related to the team. The conduct of the players and spectators before and after the game is just as important as the conduct during the game. An organization will be held responsible for its conduct at these times as well as during the game.
Hazing Policy
Georgia State and Recreational Services will not tolerate any hazing by its students and teams. If any participant or team is found in violation of the Georgia State Hazing Policy, they will be immediately reported to the Dean of Students office and will be suspended from Intramurals.
Hazing is a violation of state law and is strictly prohibited by Georgia State both on and off-campus. Hazing is defined as any intentional, negligent or reckless action, activity or situation that endangers or is likely to endanger the physical health of an individual or causes an individual pain, embarrassment, ridicule or harassment as a condition or precondition of gaining acceptance, membership, office or other status in a student group, regardless of the individual’s willingness to participate.
Georgia State’s Hazing Policy can be found in the Student Code of Conduct.
Spirit of Competition
Recreational Services hires officials and referees to work flag football, soccer, volleyball, basketball and softball. There are also opportunities to work other sports and special events.
Intramurals Official Job Description
The official is the backbone and one of the most important jobs within Intramurals. Officials have the opportunity to escape from the pressures of school and interact with their fellow students while learning many skills that enhance their education. Intramurals hires and trains officials for all sports and allows them to become part of a team, meet new friends, have an outlet for support and have a voice within Intramurals. No experience is necessary to become an official. Simply come to the information session listed on the left side of the page. Training is provided.
Duties and Responsibilities:
- Officiate intramural activities
- Set up and take down equipment and supplies
- Oversee participant check in and equipment checkout
- Ensure that the intramural playing area, participants and fans are safe
- Enforce rules of Intramurals
- Manage the flow of the game
- Educate participants on the rules and conduct expected in Intramurals
Knowledge, Skills and Abilities:
- Strong knowledge of intramural sports rules and playing area set up
- Must possess good communication skills and the ability to resolve conflicts
- Must possess the ability to run for an extended amount of time
Minimum Hiring Standard:
- Currently enrolled as a student at Georgia State
- General knowledge of officiating and rules for Intramurals
Program | Date | Day | Time | Location |
Table Tennis Tournament | Sept. 12 | Thursday | 12-3 p.m. | CG Foyer |
2v2 Basketball Challenge | Sept 24 | Tuesday | 12-5 p.m. | CG Gym |
Flag Football League | Oct. 6 - Nov. 10 | Sundays | 11 a.m. - 5 p.m. | Panthersville Complex |
Co-ed Volleyball League | Oct. 7 - Nov. 6 | Mondays & Wednesdays | 1-4 p.m. | CG Gym |
Corn Hole Toss Tournament | Oct. 14 | Monday | 1-4 p.m. | CG Foyer |
Pop-A-Shot Basketball Challenge | Oct. 24 | Thursday | 12-5 p.m. | CG Foyer |
2-Minute Lap Swimming Challenge | Oct. 30 | Wednesday | 1-5 p.m. | CH Swimming Pool |
Soccer Penalty Kick Challenge | Nov. 5 | Tuesday | 12-3 p.m. | CG Gym |
Checkers & Chess Tournament | Nov. 12 | Tuesday | 1-4 p.m. | CG Foyer |
Fitness Challenge | Nov. 21 | Thursday | 1-4 p.m. | CG Weight Room |
Special Events
Program | Date | Days | Time | Location |
Get to Know You Rec Info Day | Sept. 5 | Thursday | 11 a.m. - 5 p.m. | CG Foyer |
Body Mass Index Check | Sept. 16 | Monday | 12-5 p.m. | CG Foyer |
Volleyball & Badminton Fun | Sept. 16 | Monday | 12-5 p.m. | CG Gym |
Game Day Bingo & Connect 4 | Oct. 8 | Tuesday | 1-3 p.m. | CG Foyer |
Intro to Pickleball | Nov. 7 | Thursday | 12-3 p.m. | CG Gym |
Duck & Dive - Dodgeball Day | Nov. 19 | Tuesday | 12-3 p.m. | CG Gym |
Program | Date | Day | Time | Location |
Soccer Open Play | Sept. 9 - Oct. 7 | Mondays | 12-2 p.m. | SA Field |
Intro to Pickleball | Sept. 18 & 25 | Wednesdays | 11:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. | SC Gym |
Intro to Disc Golf | Oct. 1 & 8 | Tuesdays | 11:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. | SH Field |
Flag Football League | Oct. 6 - Nov. 10 | Sundays | 11 a.m. - 5 p.m. | Panthersville Complex |
Pickleball Tournament | Oct. 30 | Wednesday | 12-2 p.m. | SC Gym |
Hot Shot (Basketball) Contest | Nov. 7 | Thursday | 12-3 p.m. | SC Gym |
3v3 Basketball Tournament | Nov. 19 | Tuesday | 3-6 p.m. | SC Gym |
Special Events
Program | Date | Day | Time | Location |
UNO Tournament | Sept. 3 | Tuesday | 12-2 p.m. | SC Student Center |
Rec in the Quad | Sept. 10 | Tuesday | 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. | SC & SA Quad |
Fit Fest | Oct. 14 | Monday | 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. | SH Field |
Handgrip Test | Oct. 14 | Monday | 12-2 p.m. | SH Field |
Make Your Own Trail Mix | Dec. 3 | Tuesday | 12-2 p.m. | SC Gym |
Program | Date | Day | Time | Location |
2v2 Basketball Tournament | Sept. 18 | Wednesday | 2-5 p.m. | NF Gym |
Cricket - Open Play | Sept. 26 - Nov. 7 | Thursdays | 3-6 p.m. | Sports Field (Adjacent NF) |
Paddle Ball - Open Play | Oct. 1-29 | Tuesdays | 3-6 p.m. | NF Gym |
Flag Football League | Oct. 6 - Nov. 10 | Sundays | 11 a.m. - 5 p.m. | Panthersville Complex |
Badminton Tournament | Nov. 13-21 | Wednesdays & Thursdays | 3-6 p.m. | NF Gym |
Pop-A-Shot Basketball Challenge | Dec. 2 & 3 | Monday & Tuesday | 12-6 p.m. | NF Gym |
Special Programs
Program | Dates | Day | Time | Location |
Table Tennis | Sept. 9 & 10 | Monday & Tuesday | 12-2 p.m. & 3-5 p.m. | NB Courtyard |
Basketball Challenge | Sept. 10 | Tuesday | 11 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. | NB Courtyard |
Badminton a& Table Tennis | Sept. 23 & 24 | Monday & Tuesday | 12-2 p.m. & 3-5 p.m. | NB Courtyard |
Body Fat Analysis | Oct. 15 & 16 | Tuesday & Wednesday | 2-5 pm & 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. | NF Foyer |
Blood Pressure & Heart Rate Check | Oct. 29 & 30 | Tuesday & Wednesday | 2-5 pm & 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. | NF Foyer |
Hand Grip Test | Nov. 12 & 13 | Tuesday & Wednesday | 2-5 pm & 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. | NF Foyer |
Make Your Own Trail Mix | Dec. 2 & 3 | Monday & Tuesday | 2-6 pm & 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. | NF Foyer |
Program | Date | Day | Time | Location |
Intro to Disc Golf | Sept. 12 & 19 | Thursdays | 12-3 p.m. | Quad - Between 1N & 2N |
Cornhole Tournament | Sept. 24 | Tuesday | 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. | Quad - Between 1N & 2N |
Free Throw Contest | Oct. 3 | Thursday | 12-2 p.m. | 3N Field House |
Flag Football League | Oct. 6 - Nov. 10 | Sundays | 11 a.m. - 5 p.m. | Panthersville Complex |
Intro to Pickleball | Oct. 10 & 17 | Thursdays | 12-2 p.m. | 3N Field House |
Billiards Tournament | Nov. 6 | Wednesday | 1-3 p.m. | 3N Field House |
Air Hockey Tournament | Nov. 12 | Tuesday | 12-2 p.m. | 3N Field House |
Special Events
Program | Date | Day | Time | Location |
Rec in the Quad | Sept. 4 | Wednesday | 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. | Quad - Between 1N & 2N |
UNO Tournament | Oct. 2 | Wednesday | 12-2 p.m. | 1N Student Center |
Handgrip Test | Nov. 18 | Monday | 12-2 p.n. | 1N Student Center |
Make Your Own Trail Mix | Dec. 5 | Thursday | 12-2 p.m. | 1N Student Center |
General Questions
[email protected]
404-413-1750 - Atlanta campus
678-891-2728 - Perimeter campuses
Office Hours
Monday - Friday: 8:30 a.m. - 5:15 p.m.
Student Recreation Center
101 Piedmont Ave SE
Atlanta, GA 30303
Building CG
555 N Indian Creek Dr
Clarkston, GA 30021
Building SC
3251 Panthersville Rd
Decatur, GA 30034
Building NF
2101 Womack Rd
Dunwoody, GA 30338
Indian Creek Recreation Area
900 S. Indian Creek Drive
Stone Mountain, GA 30083
3N - Field House
239 Cedar Ln
Covington, GA 30014
2401 Wildcat Rd.
Decatur, GA 30034